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Urime Mėvetėsia e Kosovės

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  1. #1
    i/e rregjistruar 10% Maska e Kampioni99
    Jan 2007

    Urime Mėvetėsia e Kosovės

    Tė gjithė shqiptarve kudo qė janė, URIME dhe gėzofshi pamvarsin.

  2. #2
    i/e rregjistruar 10% Maska e Kampioni99
    Jan 2007

    Pavarsia e Kosovės njihet nga 33 shtete

    Falenderimet pėr shtetet qė na njohen.

    Formally Recognized by 33 UN countries
    (Formally recognized by 18 European Union (EU) Member States)

    Muchas gracias!!!
    Costa Rica
    Recognition text
    (February 17, 200
    Thank you very much!!!
    United States
    Recognition text
    (February 18, 200
    Merci beaucoup!!!
    France (EU)
    Recognition text
    (February 18, 200
    Tashakkur! Merci!!!
    Recognition text
    (February 18, 200
    Faleminderit shumė!!!
    Recognition text
    (February 18, 200
    Ēok tesekkür ederim!!!
    Recognition text
    (February 18, 200
    Thank you very much!!!
    United Kingdom (EU)
    Recognition text
    (February 18, 200
    Thank you very much!!!
    Recognition text
    (February 19, 200
    Merci! Jėrėjėf!!!
    Recognition text
    (February 19, 200
    Terima kasih!!!
    Recognition text
    (February 20, 200
    Germany (EU)
    Recognition text
    (February 20, 200
    Liels paldies!!!
    Latvia (EU)
    Recognition text
    (February 20, 200
    Mange tak!!!
    Denmark (EU)
    Recognition text
    (February 21, 200
    Estonia (EU)
    Recognition text
    (February 21, 200
    Grazie Mille!!!
    Italy (EU)
    Recognition text
    (February 21, 200
    Merci! Danke!!!
    Luxembourg (EU)
    Recognition text
    (February 21, 200
    Muchas gracias!!!
    Recognition text
    (February 22, 200
    Dank u! Merci! !!!
    Belgium (EU)
    Recognition text
    (February 24, 200
    Poland (EU)
    Recognition text
    (February 26, 200
    Danke! Merci! Grazie! Grazia figt!!!!
    Recognition text
    (February 27, 200
    Austria (EU)
    Recognition text
    (February 27, 200
    Go raibh maith agat! Thank You!!!
    Ireland (EU)
    Recognition text
    (February 29, 200
    Tack så mycket!!!
    Sweden (EU)
    Recognition text
    (March 4, 200
    Dank u wel!!!
    Netherlands (EU)
    Recognition text
    (March 4, 200
    Takk fyrir!!!
    Recognition text
    (March 5, 200
    Hvala lepa!!!
    Slovenia (EU)
    Recognition text
    (March 5, 200
    Kiitos! Tack!!!
    Finland (EU)
    Recognition text
    (March 7, 200
    Recognition text
    (March 18, 200
    Thank You! Merci!!!
    Recognition text
    (March 18, 200
    Merci beaucoup!!!
    Recognition text
    (March 19, 200
    Nagyon köszönjük!!!
    Hungary (EU)
    Recognition text
    (March 19, 200
    Hvala lijepa!!!
    Recognition text
    (March 19, 200
    ????? ?????????!!!
    Bulgaria (EU)
    Recognition text
    (March 20, 200

  3. #3
    i/e rregjistruar 10% Maska e Kampioni99
    Jan 2007

    Kur kosova do tė bėhet anėtare e OKB-sė

    Kosova do tė bėhet anėtare e OKB-sė, kur edhe rusia do ta njoh sovranitetin e Republikės sė Kosovės, por kjo nuk ėshtė brengosėse sepse ka pasur edhe ka ende shtete tė cilat nuk kanė qenė anėtare tė OKB-sė, por kan pasur nji ndikim tė madhė nė politiken botrore, njė ndėr kėto shtete ėshtė edhe Zvicra, e cila vetėm pare 4 viteve ka hyrė nė OKB-ė.

  4. #4
    i/e rregjistruar 10% Maska e Kampioni99
    Jan 2007

    Letra e njohjes sė shtetit tė Kosovės prej USA-sė

    Text of a Letter from the President to the President of Kosovo

    RSS Feed White House News

    Fact sheet In Focus: Global Diplomacy

    February 18, 2008

    His Excellency
    Fatmir Sejdiu
    President of Kosovo

    Dear Mr. President:

    On behalf of the American people, I hereby recognize Kosovo as an independent and sovereign state. I congratulate you and Kosovo's citizens for having taken this important step in your democratic and national development.

    On this historic occasion, I note the deep and sincere bonds of friendship that unite our people. This friendship, cemented during Kosovo's darkest hours of tragedy, has grown stronger in the 9 years since war in Kosovo ended. Kosovo has since worked to rebuild its war-shattered society, establish democratic institutions, hold successful elections for a new government, and foster prosperity. As an independent state, Kosovo now assumes responsibility for its destiny. As in the past, the United States will be your partner and your friend.

    In your request to establish diplomatic relations with the United States, you expressed Kosovo's desire to attain the highest standards of democracy and freedom. I fully welcome this sentiment. In particular, I support your embrace of multi-ethnicity as a principle of good governance and your commitment to developing accountable institutions in which all citizens are equal under the law.

    I also note that, in its declaration of independence, Kosovo has willingly assumed the responsibilities assigned to it under the Ahtisaari Plan. The United States welcomes this unconditional commitment to carry out these responsibilities and Kosovo's willingness to cooperate fully with the international community during the period of international supervision to which you have agreed. The United States relies upon Kosovo's assurances that it considers itself legally bound to comply with the provisions in Kosovo's Declaration of Independence. I am convinced that full and prompt adoption of the measures proposed by U.N. Special Envoy Ahtisaari will bring Kosovo closer to fulfilling its Euro-Atlantic aspirations.

    On the basis of these assurances from the Government of Kosovo, I am pleased to accept your request that our two countries establish diplomatic relations. The United States would welcome the establishment by Kosovo of diplomatic representation in the United States and plans to do likewise in Kosovo.

    As Kosovo opens a new chapter in its history as an independent state, I look forward to the deepening and strengthening of our special friendship.


    George W. Bush

  5. #5
    i/e rregjistruar 10% Maska e Kampioni99
    Jan 2007

    Letėr kredencialen e parė e solli Kosta Rika

    Costa Rica se pronuncia por la independencia de Kósovo.

    El Gobierno de Costa Rica, en ejercicio de sus potestades soberanas y con arreglo a las normas internacionales en materia de reconocimiento de los Estados, se pronunció hoy a favor de la independencia a la Repśblica de Kósovo.

    Fundamentįndose en los Acuerdos de Rambouillet (Acuerdo Provisional de Paz y Gobierno Autónomo en Kosovo de 1999), las disposiciones contenidas en la resolución 1244 (1999) del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas y sus anexos, y las conclusiones del Informe Ahtisaari, y tomando en cuenta la efectividad y legitimidad alcanzadas por las instituciones provisionales de autogobierno, el Gobierno de Costa Rica avala la declaratoria de independencia de la Repśblica de Kósovo.

    Para Costa Rica, al haberse agotado las posibilidades de alcanzar una solución negociada entre las autoridades de Belgrado y Pristina, la declaratoria unilateral de independencia de Kósovo representa una salida que salvaguarda la voluntad de la mayorķa de los habitantes de ese nuevo Estado. Comprende, ademįs, que después de los crķmenes de lesa humanidad (limpieza étnica) perpetrados por el régimen de Slobodan Miloscevic es entendible la decisión de las autoridades y habitantes de Kósovo de no poder seguir formando parte de la Repśblica de Serbia, aśn gozando de las mįs amplias facultades de autogobierno.

    Costa Rica congratula a las autoridades y habitantes de la Repśblica de Kosovo por el éxito alcanzado en la construcción democrįtica y pacķfica de un Kósovo independiente.

    De igual manera, confķa que al alcanzar su independencia, la Repśblica de Kósovo respetarį las normas de Derecho Internacional exigibles a todos los Estados, incluyendo las disposiciones de la Carta de las Naciones Unidas, y que protegerį los derechos humanos y libertades fundamentales de todos sus habitantes, incluyendo a las minorķas.

    Al mismo tiempo, insta a la Unión Europea y demįs organizaciones internacionales a continuar apoyando el desarrollo socioeconómico de Kósovo para facilitar su consolidación nacional e inserción regional.

    El Gobierno de Costa Rica procederį a comunicar en las próximas horas al Secretario General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, esta decisión soberana del Gobierno del Presidente Dr. Oscar Arias Sįnchez.

    Comunicación Institucional
    (Costa Rica Kósovo-1143)
    Domingo 17 de febrero de 2008.

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