Se pari shkarkojme gmail drive nga ky link:
Shkojme tek setup,e instalojme pastaj restart .Shkojme tek computer dhe shikojme qe ka dale gmail driver. Per t'u futur duhet emri dhe passwordi qe perdorni per t'u futur ne gmail.Tani duhet bere edhe dicka e fundit,ne te kundert ne kete disk drive nuk mund te ngarkosh file me madhesi mbi 10 mb.Futemi ne internet pastaj futemi tek emaili yne ne gmail. Pastaj ndjekim keto hapa
Logon to Gmail.
Click on the Create a filter link which is next to the Search the Web button at the top of the Gmail screen.
In the Create a Filter dialog, enter GMAILFS into the Subject: field. Then press the Next Step button.
Put a checkmark in the Skip the Inbox (Archive it) checkbox and then press the Create Filter button.